The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony 2020

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To view the 2020 ceremony

The broadcast begins at minute 2:50

The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony 2020 took place on April 27th, at 8:30 PM.
The ceremony was viewed by 200,000 people worldwide, including thousands of viewers from Gaza and tens of thousands of viewers from the West Bank.
After the ceremony viewers were invited to join “Families Host”- Zoom conversations with families
The list of participants and links to Zoom room recordings – at the bottom of the page

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The 15th Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony took place on April 27, 2020 and was the most different and unique to date. The COVID-19 crisis dictated a new reality and forced us to change the ceremony, to shift from the open air park to the closed studio. 200,000 people watched the ceremony from all over the world, including thousands of viewers from Gaza and tens of thousands from the West Bank. It is because we were forced to maintain a distance that we sought to get close. Therefore, right after the ceremony, the viewers were invited to meet Israeli and Palestinian bereaved families in their homes for a talk about the loved ones they lost, the journey they experienced and their choice to believe and strive for reconciliation.
The conversations all took place on Zoom and viewers could join either in Hebrew, Arabic or English.

To enter the recorded Zoom conversations click participant name


Layla Alsheikh – lost her baby son after being detained at a checkpoint (without subtitles)
Gili Meisler – lost his brother Giora in the 1973 Yom Kippur War (without subtitles)
Robbie Damlin – lost her son David, killed by a sniper (without subtitles)
Aziz Abu Sara – lost his brother Taiseer, who was beaten by the Israeli army (with English subtitles for the hearing impaired).
Rami Elhanan – lost his daughter Smadar in an attack in Jerusalem (without subtitles)


George Saada – lost his daughter Christina, who was shot by the Israeli army (with English subtitles)


Jamil Kassas – lost his brother in the Deheishe refugee camp (Hebrew subtitles for the hearing impaired)
Ben Kfir – lost his daughter Yael in an attack at the military camp Tzrifin  (with English subtitles)
Ayelet Harel – lost her brother Yuval in the Lebanon War (with Arabic subtitles)
Anat Marinin and Ahmed Aljaafri – Anat lost her two brothers, Pinchas (Pinka) and Yair, during the Yom Kippur War, Ahmed Aljaafri lost his two uncles (English subtitles)

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