The people behind the Parents Circle Families Forum
Board of Directors
- Yonatan Zeigen
- Ahmed Al-Jaafari
- Ghada Zomlot
- Mor Inon
- Sahar Allami
- Gil Alexander
- Roni Hirshenson
- Maysoon Al-Zaghari
Review Board
- Adel Abu Badawiya
- Yonatan Agin
- Sarah Abu Fara
- Itay Horowitz
Nadine Quomsieh- co CEO
Ayelet Harel- co CEO
Robi Damelin- Spokesperson & International Relations Manager
Bassam Aramin- Spokesperson & International Relations Manager
Salam Taiseer - Operations Manager
Ilana Bergsagel- Operations Manager
Rakefet Enoch- Project Manager
Aseel Ahmed- Director of the youth & Women's Program
Bushra Awad- Coordinator of the Women’s Committee
Harriet Gimpel- Director of Resource Development
Tamar Shamir- Director of the Youth Group & Summer Camp
Mustafa Halayka- Programs Manager
Mohammed Al- Baw- Media Manager and Project Coordinator
Samer Tarazi - Grants and reporting officer
Anna Spruch- Community Manager
Yacoub Alrabi- Community Manager/North
Maha Salah- Community Manager/South
Carmi Ashboren- Budget Manager
Amany Odeh- Director of Finance
Mahmoud Adel- Director of Finance